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Dan’s challah recipe
This is the recipe for the Challah our chairman Dan has been making for recent Friday night meals at JVS. For this recipe, we will be using Aquafaba, you can buy it in supermarkets in the UK under the Oggs brand (now approved by KLBD), or you can make your own. To make it yourself, […]
Kevin’s challah rolls
Our trustee Kevin Sefton made 50 delicious challah rolls for our Friday night dinner in December 2022. Kevin has kindly written up his recipe due to popular demand. The recipe he used was based on this one for Turkish simit – a street bread which looks like a twisted bagel. He says the recipe “produces […]
Latest Festival Cooking
Pan de siete cielos for Shavuot
The Jews of Salonika used to bake el pan de siete cielos – the bread of the seven heavens – as part of their Shavuot celebrations. El pan de siete cielos is a rich fatty bread, flavoured with anise extract or arak. It is sculpted into shapes connected to Shavuot. Traditional shapes included some or all […]
EPIC mac and cheese with broccoli – for Shavuot
This recipe is from Violife.