Currently Browsing: Jewish Vegetarians of North America 3 articles


A Jewish Vegetarian Response to Efforts to Ban Shechita

By Richard H. Schwartz As president emeritus of Jewish Vegetarians of North America, I would like to address the many recent efforts in several countries to ban shechita (Jewish ritual slaughter). First, although JVNA believes that every person should be a vegan and that there should be NO slaughter of animals at all, we also […]


JVNA Commends & Thanks Urban Adamah for Cancelling Chicken-Slaughter Workshop

JVNA applauds the decision of Urban Adamah to cancel a chicken-slaughter workshop

Professor Richard Schwartz

Some Thoughts for Tu B’Shvat – Professor Richard Schwartz

Reproduced with kind permission from Professor Richard Schwartz: When God created the world, he was able to say, “It is very good”. Everything was in harmony as God had planned, the waters were clean, the air was pure. But what must God think about the world today? What must God think when the rain he […]

JVS: Jewish - Vegan - Sustainable
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