Grated carrot with herbs and poppy seeds
Recipes created by Olia Hercules for Maldon Salt, part of the ‘Feel Good Food’ series running on Maldon Salt social media.
Showing you how to create extraordinary feel good food with Maldon Salt.
Photography by Maldon Salt.
Two things I can always find in my fridge are carrots and herbs. Sometimes the herbs are not at their best but minced finely with some salt – they make for a good basis for a dressing. Almost any soft herbs work, and you can vary the spices and seeds that you add. Being Ukrainian I always have an excess of poppy seeds, but sesame and nigella seeds would work really well too. This can be eaten as a salad or as a relish of sorts. It keeps very well in the fridge, becoming a pickle after 24 hours.

500 g carrots
Sad, fridge herbs (I am using coriander, tarragon and dill)
1 small clove of garlic
1 lime, juice only
1 tbsp mild vinegar (cider works well)
Maldon salt
1 tbsp poppy seeds
Black or white pepper
I rarely peel carrots, but I will do here because I want to save the peels to make vegetable stock for other dishes. Grate the carrots on the rough side of the grater.
Roughly chop the herbs and the garlic, then sprinkle over some Maldon salt and chop through again until the herbs and the garlic are quite past-ie. Put this into a bowl.
Whisk in the lime juice and the vinegar and taste.
Toast the poppy seeds in a small frying pan. Stir the seeds through the carrot and serve.
Categories:Soups and Salads
Lara Balsam