
Search Results For: pesach 52 articles


JVS Spring Magazine

Our latest magazine is now online… This year has got off to an absolutely fantastic start for the vegetarian movement… A recent report from the UN noted ‘that the Western preference for meat and dairy-heavy diets is “unsustainable,” especially as the population is expected to grow to 9.1 billion by 2050. The report garnered wide […]


Lamb’s Blood Aside, Passover is a Vegan-Friendly Holiday

By the Beet-Eating Heeb. You might assume that The Beet-Eating Heeb dreads Passover. After all, the very name of the holiday relates to the smearing of lamb’s blood on the doorposts of the Hebrews. Ew. It would be one thing if the lambs had willingly donated a pint or two at the local blood bank. […]

JVS: Jewish - Vegan - Sustainable
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