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Tell Hazon: ‘Killing is not kosher’
We wanted to share this very poignant post from our friends at Jewish Veg (formerly The Jewish Vegetarians of North America). ‘At Jewish Veg, we value our partnership with Hazon, which has graciously invited us to provide a #vegan voice at their events.That said, we agree with Sapphire Fein that killing animals is wrong, is callous, […]
News: Creation of Parliamentary Group on Vegetarianism and Veganism
From The Vegan Society: “We are excited to announce the formation of the first All-Party Parliamentary Group on Vegetarianism and Veganism. This venture is in collaboration with Vegetarian for Life and the Vegetarian Society. We are very grateful for their help and support, and are looking forward to working together on our shared aims. An […]
Feature: Dark Meat – Appalling treatment of workers in meat industry
Written by Gabriel Thompson for Slate Work more days. Carve more turkeys. Don’t get hurt. What poultry workers endure in the frenzied weeks before Thanksgiving. This article was reported in partnership with the Investigative Fund at the Nation Institute. On the debone line, the birds come at you fast. That was Lisandro Vega’s first lesson. The former […]
News: Two in three chickens sold in British supermarkets are ‘infected with E.coli superbug’
Written by Lexi Finnigan for the Telegraph Two-thirds of fresh chicken sold in British supermarkets are contaminated with E.coli, a new study claims. Contamination levels are much higher than previously thought and could be a threat to public health. The investigation found 78 per cent of the fresh chicken sold in high streets in England […]
‘Incredibly Disturbing’ Kosher Slaughter in South America revealed
Written for the Forward by Lilly Maier *We have omitted the very graphic imagery that accompanied this article. In the last decade, scandals involving kosher slaughter have led to dramatic improvements in the industry. But both the U.S. and Israel continue to import beef certified as glatt kosher that is slaughtered in ways that animal welfare experts condemn […]
News: Climate change may be escalating so fast it could be ‘game over’, scientists warn
Written by Ian Johnston for the Independent New research suggests the Earth’s climate could be more sensitive to greenhouse gases than thought, raising the spectre of an ‘apocalyptic side of bad’ temperature rise of more than 7C within a lifetime. It is a vision of a future so apocalyptic that it is hard to even imagine. […]
Event: Shape the future of the Big Green Jewish, 23 Nov
The Big Green Jewish has recently found a new home at the Jewish Vegetarian Society. We would love to hear your ideas – what do you think UK Jewish community’s climate change campaign should look like? Click here to book your free ticket for the event, which is taking place at New London Synagogue, 33 Abbey Road, London NW8 […]
News: Hidden Bournemouth: Seaside resort uncovers very vegan vibe
With 1 November being World Vegan Day, and all of November being World Vegan Month, the UK’s premier destination is letting visitors and residents into a secret… It may come as a surprise to many, but Bournemouth is giving even the likes of Brighton a run for its money when it comes to its vegan […]
Event: Join JVS at London’s biggest Challah Bake on 10 Nov
Fancy learning how to make challah? Join JVS’ table at the Challah Bake (ahead of Shabbat UK) on 10th November at Hasmonean Girls’ School, London. Click here to book your tickets. Our table will have a vegan recipe – so if you are allergic or intolerant to eggs / would like a healthier alternative / […]
Event: Potluck Friday night dinner – 2nd December 2016
As winter sets in, we look forward to welcoming you for a cosy sit-down potluck friday night dinner. Friday 2nd December 6.30 – 9.30pm This event is free to JVS members / £5.00 to non-members. Please get in touch if you would like a concession ticket. Please email [email protected] for the venue details. Please book your […]