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Indian spices

Curried Yoghurt

A perfect accompaniment to Vivek Singh’s Spiced Chickpea Cakes with Quinoa Salad.

Fruit and veg in a heart shape

Vegetarianism cuts risk of heart disease

According to a study from the University of Oxford, the risk of hospitalisation or death from heart disease is 32% lower in vegetarians than meat eaters. Published on Wednesday in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the analysis looked at almost 45,000 volunteers from England and Scotland, 34% of whom were vegetarian. The researchers accounted […]

Person preparing vegetables

Vegetarianism is on the up

New research from The Food People predicts that the number of vegetarians in Britain will dramatically increase in the next two years and there will be a notable rise in “flexitarianism” – the trend of eating less meat and more vegetables without adopting full vegetarianism. The company says that this movement towards ‘less-meat’ diets has […]

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Half of the world’s food is wasted

A report from the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Global Food: Waste Not, Want Not, has found that as much as half of all the food produced in the world – two billion tonnes – is wasted. This is mainly caused by poor storage facilities, over-strict sell by dates, “get-one-free” offers and consumer fussiness. As water […]

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Cook Up a Veggie Shabbat Dinner!

        More and more people are now seeing that the production and consumption of meat and other animal products have a negative global impact. Some are considering vegetarianism, others are reducing the amount of meat they eat. But they still want good, tasty food on Shabbat, during festivals and at simchas. As […]

Cosmetics tested on animals banned in Israel

The start of 2013 has brought a positive development in animal welfare in Israel – the sale and import of cosmetics and cleaning materials tested on animals is now illegal. The new law, which was passed by the Knesset in 2010, came into force on midnight on Monday night. In an explanation about the ban, […]

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Pecan Shortbread Biscuits

Shortbread biscuits are always popular and this variety flavoured with lemon zest and pecan nuts make a great addition to the biscuit repertoire.

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Win a pair of Eco Vegan Shoes!

Your chance to win one of five pairs of Eco Vegan Shoes in this month’s special competition!

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Dalai Lama promotes vegetarianism on first World Compassion Day

Animal welfare was the main topic of discussion at the first World Compassion Day, held on Wednesday 28 November in Mumbai. Speaking at the event, the Dalai Lama said , “I was not vegetarian till about five decades ago, but when I saw hens being abused on an animal farm, I decided to become vegetarian.” […]

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Los Angeles Goes Meat Free

The US city council of Los Angeles has unanimously voted to go meat-free on Mondays and encourage individuals, families, schools and businesses to follow suit. The resolution, put forward by councillors Jan Perry and Ed Reyes, was passed by 12 votes to 0 last Friday. While there are one day a week campaigns in 22 […]

JVS: Jewish - Vegan - Sustainable
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