
Currently Browsing: Uncategorised 471 articles

Five things would happen if everyone stopped eating meat

We’ve come to the end of World Week for the Abolition of Meat, but people in the west still won’t make a simple change that could change the fortunes of the whole world Written by Mimi Bekechi [Director of Animal Welfare charity Peta] for the Independent Today marks the end of World Week for the Abolition […]


Creamy Pesto Quinoa

Passover: Creamy Pesto Quinoa Cuisine: P Author: Peta [People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals] Serves: 6 Ingredients 1/3 cup pine nuts, walnuts, or a combination of both, toasted 3 medium-sized cloves garlic 2 cups packed fresh basil leaves 3/4 tsp. salt, or to taste Freshly ground black pepper, to taste 1/3 cup extra-virgin olive […]


Pesach: Nutloaf

Recipe by Zel Allen, author of the Nut Gourmet                 Passover: Nutloaf Recipe Type: Main Dish Cuisine: Festival Author: Zel Allen Serves: 6-8 Servings A special occasion entrée is usually a little fussier than an everyday family-style dish, but I’m betting on no regrets once you’ve tasted this […]


Pesach: Date Haroset

Recipe by: Katy from yummly   Pesach: Date Haroset Recipe Type: Dessert Author: Katy Prep time: 45 mins Cook time: 1 hour Total time: 1 hour 45 mins Serves: 40 This haroset recipe is more of a confection, and very different from the apple based variety. It can be stored in the refrigerator for 1 […]


Matcha Green Smoothie

Matcha Green Smoothie Recipe Type: Smoothie Author: COYO Cook time: 5 mins Total time: 5 mins Serves: for 1 Harnessing the natural goodness of matcha and coconut milk yoghurt, this green smoothie is not only good for you it tastes amazing too. Ingredients 1 tub matcha CO YO natural vegan yoghurt 2 large handfuls spinach […]


Peanut Butter Coyo Pudding

Peanut Butter Coyo Pudding Recipe Type: Dessert Author: CoYo This indulgent pudding may taste is a guaranteed favourite with everyone. Whilst it may not look sophisticated, it is what everyone wants at the end of a meal. Ingredients 500 g COYO natural vegan yoghurt 4 tbsp agave/maple syrup 100 g natural, smooth peanut putter (we […]


Vegan Kebabs with Sweet Chilli Coyo Dip

Vegan Kebabs with Sweet Chilli Coyo Dip Recipe Type: Main Author: CoYo The sweet chilli and coconut yoghurt add a kick to these yummy vegan kebabs. This dish is so easy to make and can be customised with your favourite veg. Ingredients 1 yellow bell pepper 1 red bell pepper 1 courgette Optional: red onion, […]


London’s ‘first zero-waste restaurant’ opening in Notting Hill

Click here to read the full story written by Sophie Witts on bighospitality.co.uk


‘I was dreading giving up meat – now I can’t find a reason to eat it’ – Independent Feature

Feature originally in the Independent. When Ioan Marc Jones took up the challenge of going vegan for the month of January, little did he realise that he was embarking on a journey of painful enlightenment… This New Year, like every New Year, I set myself three resolutions that I planned to fail in. It’s a […]

‘My meat addiction is over: I’ve gone vegan, and it’s brilliant’ Feature in the Guardian

Written by Jack Monroe in the Guardian No hard-to-find ingredients, no complicated recipes, no cruelty: vegan food is affordable, accessible and absolutely delicious. This year I saw in the new year with just a couple of friends and our young children. I drained my last glass of gin, danced around the living room as the […]

JVS: Jewish - Vegan - Sustainable
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