
Currently Browsing: News 483 articles


There’s a population crisis all right. But probably not the one you think

                    By George Monbiot, from The Guardian -[November 19th 2015] Source: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/nov/19/population-crisis-farm-animals-laying-waste-to-planet This column is about the population crisis. About the breeding that’s laying waste the world’s living systems. But it’s probably not the population crisis you’re thinking of. This is about another one, that we […]


Big in Israel: Vegan Soldiers

[Source: www.theatlantic.com] How the IDF is handling the changing dietary preferences of its servicemen and women. Last December, Colonel Avi Harel, a commander in the Israel Defense Forces, was facing a strategic quandary. According to media reports, protesters were threatening revolt from within. They were not satisfied with previous concessions; the status quo, they said, […]

Coming soon: chicken meat without slaughter

By Abigail Klein Leichman, from Israel 21c – [November 19th 2015] Source: http://www.israel21c.org/coming-soon-chicken-meat-without-slaughter/ An Israeli foundation is first in the world to research mass production of cultured chicken breast, a real meat product starting from a single cell of a real bird.   Dutch tissue engineer Mark Post made international news last year when he […]


More California farmers trade dairy for nuts, analysts say

                          By Carol Ryan Dumas, From Capital Press Source: http://www.capitalpress.com/Dairy/20151104/more-california-farmers-trade-dairy-for-nuts-analysts-say   More California acreage, including cropland on dairies, is being converting to nut orchards, raising questions as to the impact on California’s future milk production. A growing number of California dairies are diversifying […]

Germany has become the FIRST country in the world to ban ‘chick shredding’

Article courtesy of Animals Australia. Germany has become the FIRST country in the world to decide it no longer wants to grind up millions of live baby chicks — the disturbing ‘waste product’ of the worldwide egg industry. It’s the brutal reality of commercial egg production: millions of tiny male chicksground up alive or suffocated […]

Why animals need their own New Year – by JVS Patron Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg

An old date in the Hebrew calendar is an ideal day to recognise our responsibility to nature By Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg, August 12, 2015 – Originally printed in the Jewish Chronicle, and reproduced here with kind permission. ‘There are four new years,” explains the Mishnah (Rosh Hashanah 1:1). The best known is Tishri 1, the […]

Vegetarian Food Takes Centre Stage at Gefiltefest Jewish Food Festival

Our Director Lara contacted the Jewish Chronicle this week: ‘In response to Dr Fleming’s letter in last week’s JC bemoaning the lack of meat at Gefiltefest, I would like to say how proud I was to see a large-scale Jewish event which saw vegetarian food take centre stage. The Jewish Vegetarian Society [jvs.org.uk] is celebrating […]

Revealed: the dirty secret of the UK’s poultry industry

By Felicity Lawrence, Andrew Wasley and Radu Ciorniciuc (Wednesday 23rd July 2014) Source:                               Three of the UK’s leading supermarkets have launched emergency investigations into their chicken supplies after a Guardian investigation uncovered a catalogue of alleged hygiene failings in the […]


JVNA Commends & Thanks Urban Adamah for Cancelling Chicken-Slaughter Workshop

JVNA applauds the decision of Urban Adamah to cancel a chicken-slaughter workshop


Ministerial panel: Executives Responsible for Animal Abuse in Companies

By Sharon Udasin Reprinted with kind permission from The Jerusalem Post Ministerial Committee for Legislation approves bill that would make company heads responsible for mistreatment that occurs within their firms. The Ministerial Committee for Legislation approved a bill on Sunday that would make company executives responsible for animal abuse incidents that occur within their firms. […]

JVS: Jewish - Vegan - Sustainable
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