
Currently Browsing: News 483 articles


News: France bans plastic cups, plates and cutlery

Written by Shehab Khan for the Independent Critics claim the new law violates European Union rules on free movement of goods. France has passed a new law to ensure all plastic cups, cutlery and plates can be composted and are made of biologically-sourced materials. The law, which comes into effect in 2020, is part of the Energy Transition […]


How Israel Became the Global Center of Veganism

Written by Rachel Frazin for The Tower The Jewish state was uniquely situated to become the world’s most vegan country. A viral video was the tipping point. When Ori Shavit went on a date with a vegan five years ago, she thought nothing would come of it. As a professional food critic, she didn’t think she […]

‘This is what a vegan looks like…’ Guardian Feature

More people than ever are moving from steak to seitan. Four recent converts tell us why they switched. The number of vegans has been rising in the UK – up by 360% over the past decade. At the moment there are more than half a million in this country, and as ever more disturbing information […]


‘The NHS has banned cigarettes and should ban meat too – both cause cancer’

Patient menus offer a wide selection of meats every day, some of which are in the same carcinogenic category as asbestos, alcohol and arsenic – writes David Seedhouse for the Guardian The World Health Organisation ranks bacon, ham and sausages alongside smoking as a cause of cancer, placing processed meats in the same carcinogenic category […]


An Early Taste of Zionism

Published 80 years ago, Palestine’s first Jewish cookbook brought politics into the kitchen, along with new ideas about Jewish food and vegetarian cuisine. Written by Dana Kessler for Tablet Magazine What shall I cook? This problem, the concern of housewives the world over, is particularly acute in our country. The differences in climate and the necessary […]


‘I’ve converted to veganism to reduce my impacts on the living world’ – George Monbiot

Nothing hits the planet as hard as rearing animals. Caring for it means cutting out meat, dairy and eggs, writes George Monbiot in the Guardian. The world can cope with 7 or even 10 billion people. But only if we stop eating meat. Livestock farming is the most potent means by which we amplify our presence on […]


Book now for Limmud in the Woods 2016: 25th-29th August 2016

For all of you who love the great outdoors Limmud In The Woods 2016 is a relaxed, intimate Jewish summer festival over the August bank holiday in the beautiful Oxfordshire countryside. It’s a perfect opportunity to relax, reflect and reconnect at the end of the summer with an inspiring programme including sessions from JVS and […]


High animal protein intake associated with higher mortality rate, plant protein linked to lower mortality rate

Date: August 1, 2016 Source: Massachusetts General Hospital via Science Daily The largest study to examine the effects of different sources of dietary protein found that a high intake of proteins from animal sources — particularly processed and unprocessed red meats — was associated with a higher mortality rate, while a high intake of protein […]

It’s Shabbat chicken – straight from the lab

Written by Daniel Sugarman for the Jewish Chronicle If this is the future of the Friday-night meal, it’s not for the squeamish. An Israeli company has come up with a way to “grow” chicken meat out of cells taken from a live animal. Koby Barak, CEO and co-founder of SuperMeat, is convinced that the result […]

‘Why it’s never too late to become a vegetarian’ Telegraph feature July 2016

Steak tartare, slow-roasted shoulder of lamb, venison burgers, chicken and tarragon pie. A quick glance at some of my favourite foods wouldn’t leave anyone in much doubt. I’m a carnivore, through and through. Yet, as of December 2015, I’ve done what I hadn’t countenanced since I was a teenager: I’ve gone vegetarian. It all started quite innocuously just […]

JVS: Jewish - Vegan - Sustainable
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