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Non-vegan London cafe goes fully vegan on Mother’s Day

The owner of ‘The Fields Beneath‘, one of London’s best coffee shops, located next to the Kentish town west station has decided to ditch all meat and dairy from the menu by Sunday, March 26th, on Mother’s day and he explains what made him become vegan. Gavin also talks about the vegan campaign planned for […]


British families ‘buying less meat and turning to fruit and veg’

Households in the UK are spending less and less on meat products and buying more fresh fruit and vegetables, a national food survey has revealed. Figures released on Thursday show a long-term decline in the amount of raw beef, lamb and pork bought by UK households. The report, published by the Department for Environment, Food […]


Veganuary 2017 – the results are in!

Veganuary 2017: the results are in! Veganuary 2017 saw almost 60,000 people from around the world eschew animal products throughout the month of January. Participants have been polled, the numbers — and the carrot sticks — have been crunched and the results are in … 88%                 of those who took part were female 44%     […]

Revealed: exported EU animals subject to abuse and illegal conditions

Written by Luke Dale Harris for the Guardian Undercover videos show EU cattle and sheep being beaten, given electric shocks, and inhumanely slaughtered at destinations in Turkey and Middle East. Animals exported live from EU countries are routinely being subjected to abuse, illegal transportation conditions and inhumane slaughter, an investigation has found. Dozens of undercover […]

News: Brussels Bans Foie Gras

From Vegnews: The Belgian capital city enacts a symbolic ban to prohibit the cruel practice of force-feeding ducks in hopes that surrounding cities follow suit. Brussels, the capital city of Belgium, has officially banned the production of foie gras within its city limits. While Belgium is one of the five countries—in addition to France, Spain, […]


Guardian Feature: Don’t be fooled by the pretty box: find out the horror behind your egg

The mass murder of male chicks and trimming of females’ beaks are standard practice in factory farming. Consumers must say no to these anachronisms, writes Chas Newkey-Burden for the Guardian. From the moment it hatches, a baby chick’s fate is determined by its gender. Females are seized and have the tips of their sensitive beaks cut without […]


Denmark ethics council calls for tax on red meat

Written by Adam Withnall for the Independent With cattle contributing a tenth of global emissions, people are ‘ethically obliged’ to change their eating habits, an influential government think tank says. Denmark is considering proposals to introduce a tax on red meat, after a government think tank came to the conclusion that “climate change is an ethical […]

One country has just banned meat at all official functions…

Written by Kat Smith for One Green Planet We are long past the time where we can continue to deny the adverse effects that animal agriculture has on our planet. In the past 40 years, our love affair with meat and dairy has wreaked havoc on the planet. We have lost 58 percent of all […]

‘We should stop regarding animals as commodities and learn to live in harmony.’

‘Free range is a con’ – Guardian Feature

‘There’s no such thing as an ethical egg’, writes Chas Newkey-Burden in the Guardian. Slapping ‘free range’ on a box of eggs simply hides the catalogue of routine horrors that are allowed under this reassuring banner. Meat eaters may think vegans look down on them – but actually no one is more scornful of carnivores […]


Fears of ‘dirty meat’ entering food chain after 25% of abattoirs fail tests

Written by Andrew Wasley and Josh Robbins Audits carried out at more than 300 abattoirs in England, Wales and Northern Ireland find major hygiene failings in more than a quarter of meat plants. One in four slaughterhouses are failing to take basic hygiene precautions to stop contaminated meat reaching high street butchers and supermarkets. An […]

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