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Richard Branson: ‘In the near future, we’ll think it’s “archaic” to kill animals for food’

In August, Richard Branson wrote a post on the Virgin website about his investment in Memphis Meats, which expressed his vision about the future of food: “I believe that in 30 years or so we will no longer need to kill any animals and that all meat will either be clean or plant-based, taste the same and also […]


Google’s Executive Chairman predicts: “Vegan revolution is coming”

The Executive Chairman of Google‘s parent company Alphabet, Eric Schmidt, has spoken out in support of the growing vegan movement, stating that a vegan revolution is coming. Excitingly, he said that the move away from animal products and towards plant-based protein is the ‘number one game changing trend of the future.’ And, given that we are increasingly aware of the disastrous […]


Morgan Spurlock is back with Super Size Me 2…

And this time he has got his sights set firmly on the chicken industry. Click here for the full story.


Thousands march for animal rights in Tel Aviv

Once again thousands take to the street to raise the profile of animal welfare, this time calling for: Harsher punishments for animal abusers, an end to exports of live animals, barring sales of furs in Israel, increasing the budget for neutering and spaying and an end to killing healthy animals at shelters and pounds. Click […]


Birthright launches first vegan trip from US to Israel

Written by Amy Spiro for JPost. Pulver, who has led 32 Birthright trips so far, said he sees a real difference in this groups of participants.’ Click here to read the full story on JPost.


Happy World Plant Milk Day – 22nd August 2017

Campaigners collaborate to take on the dairy industry For the first time, plant-based milk is to be celebrated with its own international awareness day. World Plant Milk Day, August 22nd, sees leading UK vegan and animal organisations ProVeg UK, Plant Based News, Animal Aid, Veganuary and Viva! come together for the first time to promote delicious […]


Zizzi, Tesco and Linda McCartney voted the vegans’ favourite companies!

Veganuary’s Great Big Vegan Food Survey Results: Zizzi, Tesco and Linda McCartney voted the vegans’ favourite companies! There is no doubt that plant-based eating is on the rise, and manufacturers, retailers and restaurants are making and selling vegan fare like never before. To find out which companies are getting it right, Veganuary – the charity […]

Factory farming puts humanity in danger, Prince Charles warns

British farms have been reduced to little more than factories and must be brought into greater harmony with the planet, the Prince of Wales said yesterday. Dwindling biodiversity and environmental crises risked “derailing humanity’s place on Earth for good”, the prince said as he claimed that science backed his vision of organic farming. He told […]


‘Milk is inhumane’ advert approved by Government watchdog

Advertising Standards Authority gives green light to Go Vegan World newspaper ad despite dairy industry outcry. An ad stating that “Humane milk is a myth” has been cleared by the regulator following complaints from members of the dairy industry that it was inaccurate and misleading. The national newspaper ad for Go Vegan World, a vegan campaign group, in February featured […]


New study links red meat consumption to at least nine diseases

A new study in the British Medical Journal found at least nine different causes of death associated with red meat—processed and unprocessed. Conducted by the National Cancer Institute in Maryland, the 16-year study tracked the eating habits of over 500,000 people between the ages of 50 and 71 and concluded that those consuming red meat had higher risks of […]

JVS: Jewish - Vegan - Sustainable
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