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The Beyond Burger vegan burger will go on sale in Tesco in August. Photograph: Beyond Meat

‘Bleeding’ vegan burger to get UK launch in Tesco next month

Beyond burgers, which sold out on US launch, to be stocked on shelves alongside meat. A plant-based burger that “bleeds” from US brand Beyond Meat is to make its UK retail debut in Tesco in the first week of August. The Beyond burger – the company’s flagship vegan-friendly product which sold out after its January 2017 launch in the US – […]

Jamie Oliver to promote eating ‘less or no meat’ in vegan TV show

Famed UK chef Jamie Oliver is set to air a Friday night special featuring exclusively vegan dishes to celebrate plant-based eating and encourage viewers to eat ‘less or no meat’.  Parkour athlete Tim Shieff and television presenter Jimmy Doherty will also appear on the show. Click here to read the full story over on Plant Based News.


Tesco sells out of its first order of 40,000 Vivera vegan steaks in just days

‘Netherlands-based vegan food company Vivera reports that its “groundbreaking” plant-based steak has sold nearly 40,000 units after its debut at Tesco stores last week. Over 400 Tesco locations throughout the UK now carry Vivera’s plant-based steak, the world’s first vegan steak to be offered at retailers. In a press release, the company revealed that Tesco locations had nearly sold out of […]


Vegan is the new kosher, rabbis worldwide declare

Rabbi David Rosen, one of the leading Jewish interfaith activists, would like Jews to consider veganism as the new kosher. He joins more than 70 rabbis worldwide who have signed a declaration urging Jews around the world to embrace veganism. Read the full CBC story here.


Sixty senior rabbis call for end to ‘evil crime’ of live animal shipments

Chief rabbi of Beersheba says every rabbi should join protest; anyone buying such meat is complicit in activity that is against human and Torah morality, writes Sue Surkes in Times of Israel. Click here to read the full story. Image credit: Screenshot from Australian TV’s “60 Minutes” broadcast about live shipments, “Sheep, Ships and Videotape,” shown […]


One third of early deaths could be prevented if everyone moved to a vegetarian diet, Harvard scientists have calculated

Dr Walter Willett, professor of epidemiology and nutrition at Harvard Medical School said the benefits of a plant-based diet had been vastly underestimated. Recent figures from the Office for National Statistics suggested that around 24 per cent or 141,000 deaths each year in Britain were preventable,  but most of that was due to smoking, alcohol or obesity. […]


France bans use of ‘meat terms’ for products which don’t contain meat

As explained here by Vegan Life Magazine, under a new law in France, the use of terms including ‘sausage’, ‘burger’ and ‘steak’ for veggie products will result in fines of up to €300,000 (around £260,000). We would much rather see the French government ban the likes of foie gras which causes untold misery for ducks and […]


The unstoppable rise of veganism: how a fringe movement went mainstream

Health, climate change, animal welfare… what’s driving more people and brands to embrace a plant-based lifestyle? We investigate, and, below, four vegans explain their choice Written by Dan Hancox for the Guardian. Click here to read the full story.


BBC Newsnight looks at ‘clean meat’

On 4th April BBC’s Newsnight programme examines ‘clean meat’, grown from animal cells. Technology editor David Grossman takes a closer look at this developing competitor to factory farms. Click here to watch. Click here to read more about the recently released book on the topic by Paul Shapiro:


Stay tuned for a new documentary promoting the benefits of veganism

Titled, “H.O.P.E. What You Eat Matters”, the former an acronym for Healing of Planet Earth, this film showcases how we can improve our personal health, the health of the planet, and reduce industrialized cruelty to animals by embracing a vegan diet. Renowned primatologist Dr. Jane Goodall features in the documentary and discusses the film’s message in an empowering trailer.“I […]

JVS: Jewish - Vegan - Sustainable
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