Currently Browsing: JVS Live 9 articles

Sharon (2)

JVS Live: KLBD vegan roadshow with Sharon Feldman-Vazan

On 22nd December 2020 JVS Live welcomed Sharon Feldman-Vazan, Retail Food and Drink Manager at KLBD worldwide kosher certification. Sharon shared her wealth of knowledge on the certification process as well as new certified vegan products coming on to the market. A big thank you to Sharon for creating a special vegan version of the roadshow […]

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Omri Paz from Vegan Friendly


Zero waste: All about the WeFil Shop with Nikki Sender Glantz and Sharon Baker

Nikki Sender Glantz and Sharon Baker share how they co-founded the WeFil shop and some of the amazing products they have in stock…

Intersectional - FB

Struggles bound up together: Making animal rights intersectional

Alfie Ferguson, lauren Ornelas, Kohenet Yael Tischler (JVS) and Sara Eifler (JewishVeg) discuss how the animal rights movement can be actively anti-racist and inclusive…


Jewish ecotheology with Rav Kohenet Rabbi Jill Hammer, Phd.

Rav Kohenet Rabbi Jill Hammer, Phd., co-founder of the Kohenet Institute, teaches about the Sabbatical and Jubilee years, as well as our interrelationship with the Earth…

Talia Chain at Sadeh, the farm she founded, in Kent, Britain. RNS photo by Catherine Pepinster

Inside the UK’s first Jewish farm with Talia Chain

Talia Chain, CEO and founder of the Sadeh Jewish farm takes us on a live tour and answers our questions about Jewish farming…  


Judaism & veganism with Rabbi Aaron Goldstein

Rabbi Aaron Goldstein explores the intersection of these two paths…


Vegan cooking in the age of lockdown with Denise Phillips

Chef Denise Phillips explores what delicious vegan dishes are possible during the pandemic…

Shema in the Blue Sefer Torah (written by a Sefardi aider in an Ashkenazi style); credit: Soferet Avielah Barclay

Sacred words for vegans with Soferet Avielah Barclay

Soferet Avielah Barclay teaches about how vegans and vegetarians might approach sacred Jewish texts that must be made with animal products…

JVS: Jewish - Vegan - Sustainable
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