
Currently Browsing: Features 482 articles

How to stay vegan on holiday – from marinara pizza to Kuala Lumpur rice balls

Animal-free eating is now mainstream in the UK, but it can still be a challenge in other countries, writes Liz Dodd in the Guardian. ritish veganism long ago moved from grain sacks and carob bars at the back of health-food shops into the mainstream. But animal-free eating can still be a challenge abroad, when the language […]


Making veggies centre stage – the Jewish Chronicle

Worried that an all-veg diet would be boring? The Jewish Chronicle’s Food Editor Victoria Prever has some ideas for you! Vegetarian and vegan food is far from boring. It’s full of colour and flavour. If you are on a vegetable only diet, here are a few suggestions to keep your meals exciting. Click here to […]


Animal rights & veganism discussed on BBC Radio 4’s Moral Maze for 45 minutes

Click here to listen to Wednesday 2nd August’s Moral Maze on BBC Radio 4, presented by Michael Buerk. One of the less predictable arguments to result from Brexit concerns the rights and wrongs of chlorine-washed chickens. Perhaps chlorinated-chicken-gate made many people feel temporarily smug about UK standards of animal welfare, compared with those in other parts […]


Seasonality of fruit & vegetables chart

Entering the post-milk era:

Why the Advertising Standards Agency ruling shows we are moving past dairy. Click here to read the full piece on Huffington post by Zephie Begolo from ProVeg.


Veganism discussed on the BBC

Following the news that the Advertising Standards Agency has approved an advert which labelled milk ‘inhumane’, the BBC assembled a panel to discuss veganism. Click here to watch (fast forward to 1:48:00.

June 2017

Brand new magazine out now

Click here to read our latest magazine. What a busy few months it has been! In May we hosted our 52nd Annual General Meeting. A big thank you to Ori Shavit, who joined us live from Israel via Skype to talk about her role in building the vegan movement as well as the many fantastic […]


Rabbi Challenges Synagogues to Go Vegan

Acclaimed rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz will award $25,000 to synagogues that pledge to ditch animal products. Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz recently launched the Synagogue Vegan Challenge—a competition that will award $25,000 to synagogues that commit to hosting at least one vegan event every month for one year. The program will select five Jewish houses of worship in […]

Vegan cheese industry is set to be worth $3.5 billion by 2023

Thanks to growing consumer demand for cleaner, environmentally friendly, and animal-free sources of protein, we have seen an increase in the number of plant-based meat substitutes on the market — and apparently, in 2016 there was a 90 percent increase in the number of Google searches for the word “vegan.” According to some estimates, the plant-based meat market is […]


Ben & Jerry’s Non-Dairy ice cream coming to the UK

Ben & Jerry’s are set to launch a vegan range of ice creams here in the UK, following rave reviews in America. This follows recent news from Haagen-Dazs – who are launching 4 non-dairy flavours. Great news for dairy cows whose lives are cut short to just 5 years, when they should live for around 20-25 […]

JVS: Jewish - Vegan - Sustainable
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