
Currently Browsing: Features 482 articles


List of kosher approved vegan ‘cheeses’

Curious about dipping your toe in the world of vegan cheeses? KLBD Kosher Certification has kindly compiled this list. It is great to see so many compassionate products certified as kosher. For those wanting to make their own, there are great recipes for homemade vegan cheese online, and we would highly recommend these two books: ‘This […]


Vegans give Shavuot a new taste

In Israel, growing numbers of people are avoiding dairy—the basis for many of the holiday’s famous recipes. So chefs are creating new recipes that everyone can enjoy, writes Flora Tsapovsky in Tablet Mag, click here to read the full story.


Shavuot: The perfect time to cut out meat

Richard Schwartz writes about applying Torah values to our diets. The president emeritus of Jewish Veg argues that this holiday is the perfect time to cut out meat. Because Shavuot is z’man matan Torateinu (the commemoration of the giving of the Torah), many religious Jews stay up the entire first night of the holiday to discuss Torah teachings. […]


Top tips to celebrate a vegan Shavuot – Jewish Chronicle

There’s no need to skip the Shavuot party if you don’t do dairy, writes Victoria Prever. Here in the UK, Lara Balsam, Director of the Jewish Vegetarian Society, herself a vegan, says that it’s far easier nowadays to find good vegan alternatives to traditional dishes : “Enjoying a vegan Shavuot has never been easier or tastier. […]


Masala mamas – cooking up an education for Mumbai slum children

Click here to read the Jewish Chronicle’s feature about a brand new veggie cookbook with a very special story behind it.


Kashrut traditions and the ethical dimensions of food consumption

Can we revive kashrut back to its initial purpose of being a spiritual vehicle for justice & for expanding our moral consciousness? – asks Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz, founder of The Shamayim V’Aretz Institute. Click here to read the full story.

How to make the perfect plant-based Pesach

Don’t miss our latest spring magazine, complete with delicious Pesach recipes More and more people are on the hunt for alternatives to eggs over Pesach. Whether you are steering clear because of an allergy, intolerance or ethics – mass cruelty is endemic in modern production, here are our Director Lara’s top tips for a delicious […]


Our new spring magazine, complete with how-to-guide for the perfect plant-based Passover

Click here to read our latest magazine, hot off the press. With Pesach just around the corner, we have a special how-to-guide for the perfect plant-based Passover on page 6, plus a selection of tasty recipes in our cookery section, starting on page 16. Our website jvs.org.uk has plenty more recipes for you to enjoy. […]


Make an omelette without breaking hens

It is that time of year when boxes of eggs are piled high in Jewish homes, in readiness for a frenzy of Pesach cooking and baking. In getting ready to celebrate the festival of freedom, we ought to give some thought to the way these eggs are produced. Today’s industrial processes bear no resemblance to […]


‘There is no kosher meat’: the Israelis full of zeal for going vegan

There’s a wildcard option that some Israeli Jews have started using when they can’t find a restaurant with a kosher certificate: vegan food. Fresh fruits, vegetables and grains are, by most accounts, naturally kosher and as the mixing of dairy and meat is forbidden in Judaism, a safe choice is to eat somewhere that avoids both. […]

JVS: Jewish - Vegan - Sustainable
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