Currently Browsing: Yael Tischler 98 articles

Photo credit: image from Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Scientists and experts say, “Go vegan to help prevent pandemics”

Factory farms and wildlife markets…provide a fertile environment for the transmission of viruses. Read the full story on Plant Based News.


Ashanti supports frontline workers with free vegan meat

Singer Ashanti donated Beyond Meat vegan breakfasts and face masks to doctors, nurses, and other frontline workers at a New York hospital. You can real the full story on LiveKindly.

free digital mags

Enjoy all your favourite mags FREE!

Prime Impact Mags is making all of their content, including Be Kind, Vegan Life, PlantBased and OM Yoga, free and digital! From Prime Impact: “We’re not just reducing the price of our magazines, we are giving them to you for FREE. That’s right, FREE, all the Vegan, Yoga, Foodie and feel good vibes you need while you stay at […]


Judaism & veganism: The intersection of two paths

I remember a conversation I had with a fellow community member a few months ago. I told her about my job at the Jewish Vegetarian Society and immediately a perplexed expression danced across her face. “Judaism and vegetarianism?!” she said. “How could those things possibly go together?!” She’s not alone with this question – many […]


Lentil salad with mango chutney

This recipe is from Violife.


Jacob’s lentil stew: The secret recipe delicious enough to buy a birthright

There’s nothing like a hearty lentil stew. Healthy, comforting and warming, it’s one of the dishes I’ve been craving most during my time in lockdown. At the end of a tough day, a big bowl of lentils is like a bunch of legumes giving you a cuddle.  Our ancestors’ relationship with lentils goes way, way […]


Choco blue macarons

This recipe is from Violife.


Spinach risotto

This recipe is from Violife.

Photo credit: Photo by Anna Kaminova on Unsplash

If animals could speak, what would they say? The story of Balaam and his amazing talking donkey

Animal rights activists often pose the question: “If animals could speak, what would they say?” The Torah actually offers us an answer to this question, with an incredible talking she-donkey in the starring role. Here’s the context: The Israelites are in the midst of their forty-year-long wanderings through the desert, during which they pass through […]


Crunchy veggie tarts

This recipe is from Violife.

JVS: Jewish - Vegan - Sustainable
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