Currently Browsing: Yael Tischler 98 articles

Yummy inside of a challa

Kevin’s challah rolls

Our trustee Kevin Sefton made 50 delicious challah rolls for our Friday night dinner in December 2022. Kevin has kindly written up his recipe due to popular demand. The recipe he used was based on this one for Turkish simit – a street bread which looks like a twisted bagel. He says the recipe “produces […]


Pan de siete cielos for Shavuot

The Jews of Salonika used to bake el pan de siete cielos – the bread of the seven heavens – as part of their Shavuot celebrations. El pan de siete cielos is a rich fatty bread, flavoured with anise extract or arak. It is sculpted into shapes connected to Shavuot. Traditional shapes included some or all […]

epic mac

EPIC mac and cheese with broccoli – for Shavuot

This recipe is from Violife.


Spinach and sun-dried tomato toastie – for Shavuot

This recipe is from Violife.


Burgundy Broccoli Sumac with Lemon and Pistachio – For Pesach

This recipe is from Burgundy Broccoli.  It is also Kosher for Passover.


Potatoes arrabbiata – for Pesach

This recipe is from the Jewish Chronicle. Why make gnocchi when you can crush baby potatoes instead?


IKEA’s new meatier vegan meatballs to launch in September

On September 28, furniture retailer IKEA will add a new plant-based Swedish meatball to its bistro menu at stores nationwide. Dubbed the “plant ball,” the new option—which builds on an existing plant-based meatball that IKEA launched in 2015—is made from yellow pea protein, oats, potatoes, onion, and apple. The new plant ball carries a mere […]


One million mink killed to stop spread of Covid-19 on Dutch fur farms

To date, the Dutch government has killed one million mink in an effort to stop the spread of COVID-19 on fur farms in the Netherlands. On April 26, SARS-CoV-2—the virus that leads to COVID-19—was initially identified on two mink fur farms in the Netherlands and has since spread to 24 mink fur farms. While the […]

Vegan brand creates edible spoons to tackle plastic pollution

Vegan brand IncrEdible has created edible spoons to tackle plastic pollution. The cutlery, which is available in three savory and two sweet flavors including black pepper and chocolate, can stay firm for up to 20 minutes in hot foods (such as soup) and 50 minutes in cold food. You can read the full story on Plant-based News.


Zero waste: All about the WeFil Shop with Nikki Sender Glantz and Sharon Baker

Nikki Sender Glantz and Sharon Baker share how they co-founded the WeFil shop and some of the amazing products they have in stock…

JVS: Jewish - Vegan - Sustainable
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