
JVS stall attracts food lovers at Gefiltefest!

JVS at Gefiltefest

JVS at Gefiltefest

The fourth annual Gefiltefest, held at the London Jewish Cultural Centre (at Ivy House) on Sunday 19 May attracted hundreds of visitors, including former Labour MP David Milliband, for a day of cooking demonstrations, charity and business promotion, and tasty food. Speaking about the festival to the Hendon & Finchey Times, festival organiser Michael Leventhal said: “So many people are so excited and positive about the festival and every year we are expanding. It feels like we’re changing the way Jewish people think about food.”

The JVS had a stand in the garden, giving away hundreds of leaflets, magazines and tasty meat-free food samples. On offer were Fry’s Traditional Vegetarian Sausages, Vegetarian Schnitzels and Vegetarian Slicing Sausage (Polony). The reaction from guests was positive and many stopped to talk to the JVS team about Jewish vegetarianism – everything from how we treat animals and meat’s impact on the planet, to recipes for vegetarian brisket and meat-free cholent. Many thanks to Fry’s for the delicious food!






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