
New JVS Patron: Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg

Image 31. Rabbi J Wittenberg

Image 31. Rabbi J Wittenberg

We are delighted to welcome Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg as a new Patron.

Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg is the Senior Rabbi of Masorti Judaism UK. He is a leading writer and thinker on Judaism. He is Rabbi of the New North London Synagogue, with approximately 2400 members.

“I have come to care more and more deeply both about not hurting animal life and about economic justice. I have not knowingly eaten meat for over 25 years, and 20 months ago also stopped eating fish. This is not because I disliked those foods, but because they seemed to me often wasteful and cruel to produce. My ideal is expressed in Isaiah’s words: ‘They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain’. I understand that mountain to be this entire world, so rich in life and beauty. I am keen to be involved with the Jewish Vegetarian Society because of the values it embraces. This is an exciting and opportune time when many Jewish people, and people of all faiths, are interested in living a spiritually and ethically engaged life rooted on respect for the earth and all living things.”



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