
JVS AGM with Guest Speaker Vanessa Hudson, Leader of the Animal Welfare Party

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Van London Background edited

Sunday 23 March, 5 – 7.30pm.

JVS, 853 Finchley Road, London NW11 8LX

Free entry

* Please let us know that you are planning to attend by emailing [email protected] – this helps us to ensure we cater appropriately. Thank you.

We look forward to welcoming you to the 49th Annual General Meeting of the Jewish Vegetarian Society.

This event is open to all. You can invite friends and colleagues via Facebook.

Doors open at 5pm

5.15pm: AGM

5.45pm: Talk from Vanessa Hudson, the Leader of the UK’s Animal Welfare Party. More information about the talk can be found below.

6.35pm: Presentation from Dominic Dyer, CEO of the Badger Trust.

7.00pm: Refreshments will be served after the meeting. In addition, Sharon Feldman-Vazan from the KLBD will be joining us to showcase, offer samples of and answer questions on the latest vegetarian and vegan products which have been certified Kosher, including Caribbean sauces, Indian teas, gin and gluten-free breads.

We expect the event to finish at approximately 7.30pm.

The Animal Welfare Party’s bid for victory in the May 2014 EU Elections

“On 22nd May 2014, along with our counterparts in the Netherlands, Germnay, Spain and Portugal, the UK’s Animal Welfare Party will attempt to make history by returning a dedicated representative for animals to the EU Parliament for the first time ever. AWP believes this is a crucial moment in the history of mankind – as important as any in the history of human or women’s rights.

Electing one or more representatives for animals to the EU Parliament would send a message to the rest of the world that man’s relationship with animals is changing, that we are re-defining who we are and what we believe in. This is about writing a new chapter in the history of humankind.

We estimate we will need around 140,000 votes from Londoners in order to win a seat in the constituency of London. That’s around one third of the vegetarian and vegan members of the London electorate.

Now, with the EU election just 2 months away, will the UK and Europe take this opportunity to step up? To extend the circle of compassion to include the non human and the less powerful? Come to this talk to find out how the campaign is progressing and, if you’d like to see us succeed, what you can do to help.

More info on our EU election campaign can be found here.”


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