
The True Cost of Merino Wool


Following the undercover investigation which revealed the true cost of angora, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) have teamed up with singer and animal rights activist P!nk to focus the world’s attention on the immense cruelty behind Australia’s massive merino sheep trade.

‘Millions of lambs are mutilated each year by having chunks of skin and flesh cut from their backsides, often without any pain relief, in a practice known as “mulesing”—even though humane options are readily available for wool producers to use. Pink also describes the treatment of sheep who are no longer wanted and are transported thousands of miles on severely crowded ships through extreme temperatures—all to have their throats slit while they are still conscious in filthy, open–air markets.’

You can watch the full video by clicking here, and you can write to the Australian government and urge it to ban mulesing and live export permanently by clicking here.



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