
Vegetarian Awareness Month is here!

JVS logo - for a vegetarian world

JVS logo - for a vegetarian world

It’s Vegetarian Awareness Month which means it’s a great time to speak out about the benefits of vegetarianism. The month kicked off with World Vegetarian Day on Monday where in the Philippines, Luntiang Lunes (the Philippines’ Meat Free Monday campaign) held a World Meatless Lunch – encouraging as many people as possible to ditch meat for at least one lunch.

On Tuesday things got heavy in Israel where, to mark World Farm Animals Day, three animal rights activists were branded with hot steel, in the same way animals are branded on factory farms. Critics claim that this will open the door to a flood of self-sacrificing and self-damaging actions, while supporters of the demonstration argue it was a hugely effective method of awareness-raising. Whatever your view, it’s hard to deny that the video has impact.

The whole week has seen a range of vegetarian news being highlighted in the media including advice on meat replacements, vegetarian wedding menu ideas and delicious recipes.

And if you’re looking for more ways to encourage your friends and family to consider a meatless diet, here are 30 reasons to go vegetarian in October!


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JVS: Jewish - Vegan - Sustainable
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