
4,500 hens saved!

JVS image - Battery hens

JVS image - Battery hens

Just one week ago, animal welfare groups Farm Sanctuary, Animal Place, and Harvest Home joined forces to rescue hens at a factory farm in Modesto, California, where 50,000 hens used for egg production had been abandoned and left to starve for two weeks.

The hens were left locked in battery cages without food or water and by the time they were found, one-third of the hens had perished, and the rest were starving and near death. The rescue mission has resulted in over 4,500 of the hens having the opportunity to live out their lives in peace at animal sanctuaries. Watch the rescue here.

While it’s good news for some of the hens, Farm Sanctuary is now pushing for the perpetrators of this horrible crime to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. In his letter to the District Attorney, Bruce Friedrich, Senior Director for Farm Sanctuary’s Strategic Initiatives, writes “The responsible party or parties subjected each bird to unnecessary and unjustifiable physical pain and suffering and tens of thousands of them to an agonizing death”. Read Farm Sanctuary’s letter to the District Attorney.

Help now by signing the petition and spreading the word!


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